Campaign Updates

I am writing an update for the Ontario Knights of Columbus for their weekly bulletin this weekend and have agreement with the State Deputy to provide regular updates to the members in Ontario.  Our council also intend to call the Grand knights to explain the campaign to them.  This is to ensure that all councils are aware of this campaign.
Would you please tell me how things stand from your points of view and what is the progress “on the ground”.  Please reply by end of day Tuesday with what you know.
Fundraising progress to date: Lifefunder:  $17,474    Gofundme:  11,295 Saint Patrick Council direct donations $2,500 (estimated)
Total to date:  $31, 270
God bless,

Donald Macdonald Grand Knight St Patrick’s Basilica Knights of Columbus Council 12158 613-884-8404 cell phone

Here is the link to the Trillium Knights Podcast

August Letter from Marcel Lemmen the State Deputy